UoN Faculty Trained on Design Thinking and Problem-Based Learning under the AFRETEC Network

Members of faculty undergoing training on Design Thinking and Problem-Based Learning at C4D Lab, Chiromo Campus..

The C4DLab hosted a week-long training program for faculty on Design Thinking, an innovative problem-solving approach. Aptly named “Innovation Training,” the program, which ran from 2nd-6th September 2024, aimed to equip educators with tools to foster creativity and critical thinking.

Hosted in the PhD room of the Department of Computing and Informatics, the training attracted participants from various faculties within the University of Nairobi.

Aligned with Afretec’s Innovation and Entrepreneurship Pillar, the training was facilitated by Dr. Sam Ruhiu (Pillar Head) and Dr. Wanjiku Ngángá (Department of Computing and Informatics). They were assisted by Mr. Peter Oketch (Department of Mechanical Engineering), Ms. Caroline Jelagat (Department of Environmental and Biosystems Engineering), and Ms. Faith Barasa (Department of Business Administration).

Speaking at the introductory stage, Dr Ruhiu emphasised the importance of a thorough understanding of a need and developing products or services that resonate with it. He further stated that this is ideally a multidisciplinary team effort. “By employing design thinking, we can identify the most compelling need among potential users and develop targeted solutions,” explained Dr. Ruhiu. This concept, he added, “involves empathizing with the end-user, defining the problem, ideating solutions, prototyping, and testing.”

There was consensus that a successful outcome requires a multidisciplinary team effort, collaboration, and a focus on human-centred design. Mr. Oketch, one of the facilitators, reiterated this point, emphasizing the importance of iterative work and prototyping. He encouraged participants to build and test multiple prototypes, emphasizing the value of action over inaction. Ms. Caroline Jelagat, on her part, emphasized the need for a paradigm shift towards research and entrepreneurship.

By enhancing the faculty’s ability to drive innovation, the training sought to prepare students for future problem-solving challenges, especially those that could potentially result in innovative products, services, or experiences.

Speaking at the end of the program, Dr. Ruhiu, the lead facilitator, said that the training now needs to be escalated to the faculties and the students, and the Afretec team is ready to support the participants, now champions of Design Thinking. He said, “We’ll stand with you in this journey.”


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